pomegranate is believed to come from Persia and has been cultivated since
ancient times where it symbolized prosperity, ambition and fertility.
It is believed that cures almost every ailment and is also beneficial in the cosmetic industry for its anti-aging properties. Recent research has proposed that its jewel-like seeds contain a high level of antioxidants, vitamins and other components which may combat several kinds of cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, clean the body and boost the immune system. It is tasteful as juice, used in soups and salads, in the production of dessert wines and a variety of delicious creams.
It is believed that cures almost every ailment and is also beneficial in the cosmetic industry for its anti-aging properties. Recent research has proposed that its jewel-like seeds contain a high level of antioxidants, vitamins and other components which may combat several kinds of cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, clean the body and boost the immune system. It is tasteful as juice, used in soups and salads, in the production of dessert wines and a variety of delicious creams.
(in Slovak)
Granátové jablko pôvodne pochádza z Perzie a
bolo kultivované už v staroveku, kde symbolizovalo prosperitu, ambície a
plodnosť. Predpokladá sa, že je prospešné
takmer pre každú chorobu a využíva sa v kozmetickom priemysle pre svoje
proti starnúce vlastnosti. Nedávny výskum navrhol, že jeho semená podobné
šperku, obsahujú vysokú úroveň antioxidantov, vitamínov a ďalších zložiek,
ktoré pomôžu v boji proti niekoľkým druhom rakoviny, cukrovky, aterosklerózy,
čistení tela a posilnení imunitného systému. Je chutné ako džús, používa sa v
polievkach a šalátoch, pri výrobe dezertného vína a rôznych chutných krémov.
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