This soup is of the Jewish cuisine and I have used to buy it when going to R.E.A.L. Bagel, a Jewish delicatessen in Montreal, in Queen Mary or Côte-Saint-Luc. Basically, it is the classic chicken soup cooked with a little difference than my mother does. But what I like the most, it is matzo balls in the broth.
Matzo balls are made from matzo, an unleavened bread traditionally eaten by Jews during the Passover holiday. Passover relates to the Israelites leaving Egypt in such haste they could not wait for their bread dough to rise; the bread, when baked, was matza. This kind of bread is low in fat containing vitamins and minerals (from Wikipedia). I have searched for a genuine recipe for matza ball soup, but there are several variations. Choosing two of them (from,, I have made this kind of soup for the first time and matza balls have not been the same as I used to eat those from the Jewish cuisine. In contrast to simple traditional matza balls, mines have had a flavour of ginger and parsley. Fat in this soup contains the fat-soluble flavour that is not only a part of the overall taste, but also the glimmering golden droplets to attract the eyes. Here is the recipe :
Matzo balls are made from matzo, an unleavened bread traditionally eaten by Jews during the Passover holiday. Passover relates to the Israelites leaving Egypt in such haste they could not wait for their bread dough to rise; the bread, when baked, was matza. This kind of bread is low in fat containing vitamins and minerals (from Wikipedia). I have searched for a genuine recipe for matza ball soup, but there are several variations. Choosing two of them (from,, I have made this kind of soup for the first time and matza balls have not been the same as I used to eat those from the Jewish cuisine. In contrast to simple traditional matza balls, mines have had a flavour of ginger and parsley. Fat in this soup contains the fat-soluble flavour that is not only a part of the overall taste, but also the glimmering golden droplets to attract the eyes. Here is the recipe :
Táto polievka je zo židovskej kuchyne a zvykla som ju kupovať v R.E.A.L. Bagel, židovskom lahôdkárstve v Montreale na ulici Queen Mary alebo Côte-Saint-Luc. V podstate je to klasická kuracia polievka varené s malým rozdielom, než varí moja matka. Ale to, čo sa mi najviac páči na tejto polievke, sú matza gule v kuracom vývare. Matza gule sú pripravené z matza, nekvaseného chleba tradične konzumovaným Židmi počas sviatkov Passover. Tento sviatok sa vzťahuje k Izraelitom odchádzajúcim z Egypta v takom zhone, že nemohli čakať na vykysnutie cesta pre ich chlieb; takýto chlieb ktorý upiekli bol matza. Tento druh chleba má nízky obsah tuku, vitamíny a minerály (z Wikipédie). Pôvodne som hľadala originálny recept na polievku s matza guľami, ale existuje niekoľko jej variantov. Inšpirujúc sa dvomi z nich (,, navarila som tento druh polievky prvýkrát a matza gule neboli také, aké som ich zvykla jesť zo židovskej kuchyne. Na rozdiel od jednoduchých tradičných matza gúľ, moje mali príchuť zázvoru a petržlenu. Tuk v tejto polievke obsahuje arómu v ňom rozpustnej, ktorý nielen dotvára celkovú chuť, ale tiež trblietajúce sa zlaté tukové kvapôčky priťahujú naše oči. Tu je recept :
Ingredients :
Soup :
Any parts of chickens :
I used chicken parts up to 1kg (chicken breasts with bones, chicken wings)
1 onion, peeled and cut into half
1 celery stalk, cut into quarters
1 medium parsnip or parsley cut into pieces
4 carrots, peeled, cut into half
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of ground nutmeg
If necessary, ½ teaspoon of Podravka (a flavour without artificial stimulants, colorings and flavourings)
Matza balls :
3 eggs
1,5 cup ground matza
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 teaspoon finely chopped sprigs of parsley
2 clove garlic, finely minced
4 tablespoon soft butter, oil or chicken fat (I used grape seed oil without cholesterol; however, when using the butter, matza balls are lighter than that using oil)
Method :
Soup :
1. Place all ingredients in a large pot and add 3 - 3,5 l of water.
2. Bring water to boil and keep boiling at the lowest setting. Cover the pot and let simmer until meat and vegetable is soft.
3. Take out a half of vegetable and cut out the meat from chicken breast. Set aside.
4. Cover and let the rest to simmer for 3 hrs more.
5. Remove pot from heat, let it cool and then strain the liquid through a fine strainer. (Discard the rest). If it has too much fat, remove it from the soup. Adjust salt, pepper and flavour to your taste.
Matza balls :
1. Scramble eggs, blend in salt, ginger, parsley, pepper and garlic.
2. Slowly add matza and butter (or oil, or fat) into egg mixture until it forms a dough. This will be a stiff dough, to lighten it add soda water (or mineral water with air bubbles) slowly until it is workable.
3. Cover and let it stand in refrigerator for at least 2 hrs.
4. Shape 2-tablespoonful portions of matza ball mixture. Using wet hands gently roll it into 10 – 12 balls.
5. Add matza balls to salted boiling water and reduce heat so water is at a gentle simmer. Cover pot and cook matza balls until cooked through, 20–25 minutes.
6. Transfer matza balls to bowls. Ladle chicken broth over, add chicken breast meat, round-cut carrots, parsnip or parsley, all from the stock. Top with finely chopped sprigs of parsley, and season with salt and pepper (if needed).
Matza Balls
Zloženie :
Všetky časti kurčiat:
použila som kuracie diely do 1 kg (kuracie trupy, kuracie krídla)
1 cibuľa, olúpaná a prekorjená na polovicu
1 stopka zeleru, nakrájaná na štvrtiny
1 paštrnák alebo petržlen, nakrájaný na štvťky
4 mrkvy, nakrájame na polovice
Štipka čierneho korenia
Štipka mletého muškátového orieška (podľa mojej voľby)
Ak potrebné, podľa mojej voľby, ½ lyžičky Podravky (príchuť bez umelých stimulantov, farbív a aróm)
Matza gule:
3 vajcia
1,5 hrnčeka pomletého matza
1 lyžička postrúhaného zázvoru
3 lyžice jemne nasekanej stonky petržlenu
2 struky cesnaku, pretlačeného
4 lyžice mäkkého masla, olej alebo kurací tuk (ja som použila hroznový olej bez cholesterolu, ale pri použití masla matza gule sú ľahšie ako pri použití oleja)
Postup :
Polievka :
1. Vložte všetky prísady do veľkého hrnca a pridajte 3 - 3,5 l vody.
2. Priveďte do varu a udržujte vrenie pri najnižšom nastavení. Prikryte pokrievkou a nechajte povariť až mäso a zelenina sú mäkké.
3. Vyberte polovicu zeleniny a vyrežte lepšie mäso z kuracích pŕs. Dajte do chladničky.
4. Prikryte a zvyšok varte 3 hodiny, alebo dlhšie.
5. Odstráňte hrniec z ohňa, nechajte ho vychladnúť a potom preceďte vývar cez jemné sitko (zlikvidujte zvyšok). Ak má príliš veľa tuku, odstráňte ho z polievky. Ochuťte soľou, korením podľa vášho vkusu.
Matza gule :
1. Rozšľahajte vajcia, vmiešajte soľ, zázvor, petržlen, korenie a cesnak.
2. Pomaly pridajte do vaječnej zmesi matza a maslo (alebo olej, alebo tuk), kým sa vytvorí tuhé cesto. Na zjemnenie pridajte sódovú vodu (alebo minerálku s bublinkami), pomaly, kým cesto je pružné.
3. Zakryte a nechajte odstáť v chladničke aspoň 2 hodiny.
4. Vytvarujte guľu zo zmesi z 2 plných lyžíc. Mokrou rukou jemne vyšúľajte 10-12 gúľ.
5. Pridajte matza gule do vriacej osolenej vody a znížte teplo aby voda bola v miernom vare. Prikryte pokrievkou a varte matza gule, 20 - 25 minút.
6. Vyberte matza gule do misy. Zalejte kuracím vývarom, pridajte mäso z kuracích pŕs, krúžky mrkvy, paštrnáka alebo petržlena. Ozdobte s jemne nasekanou vetvičkou petržlenu a dochuťte soľou a korením (v prípade potreby).
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