Servings : 6, calories per serving : 240
This traditional super healthy Middle Eastern spread is made from roasted eggplants, mixed with the sesame pasta - tahini, olive oil, and seasoned with various spices and herbs. In Arabic language, baba ghanoush means "pampered papa" or "coy daddy", which probably refers to its inventor. This appetizer or starter goes well with pita bread and cold fresh vegetable. Following a recipe of Jamie Olivier, this puree was served as a healthy and tasty dip with the red radish. In addition, we have served it with Italian crunchy bread and olives.
Ingredients :
3 medium aubergines6 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp tahini, sesame pasta
½ teaspoon red pepper (or chilli)
1 tsp cumin, ground
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 lemons, juice
2 olives and herbs to garnish
Method :
1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.2. Cut the aubergines in half lengthways.
Cut the flesh in aubergines sides in a crisscross pattern, don’t cut through the skins and drizzle the flesh with 2 tablespoons olive oil.
3. Arrange on a baking tray, flesh-side facing up, bake in the oven for around 45 minutes until soft.
4. After cooling, scoop out the soft flesh from the aubergine discarding the skin, add crushed garlic, cumin, extra virgin olive oil and blend the all with a immerse blender.
5. Add the tahini, red pepper (or chilli powder), squeeze in the lemon juice, make a thick smooth puree.
6. Add a pinch of salt and/or pepper.
7. Transfer to a bowl, garnish with olives or herbs (such as parsley, coriander, dill) and serve.
3 stredne veľké baklažány6 lyžíc olivového oleja
3 strúčiky cesnaku
1 lyžica tahini (sezamová pasta)
½ lyžičky červenej papriky (alebo čili)
1 lyžička rasce, mletej
2 lyžice extra panenského olivového oleja
2 citróny, šťava
2 olivy a bylinky na ozdobu
Postup :
1. Predhrejeme rúru na 180C / 350F.2. Nakrájame baklažány na polovicu pozdĺžne.
Pokrájame dužinu v baklažáne po stranách v krížovom poradí, dávame pozor aby sme neprepichli šupku a pokvapkáme dužinu každého baklažánu s 2 lyžicami olivového oleja.
3. Uložíme na plech, prepoltenou stranou hore, pečieme v rúre asi 45 minút do mäkka.
4. Po ochladení vykrojíme mäkkú dužinu z baklažánu, kožu vyhodíme, pridáme prelisovaný cesnak, rascu, extra panenský olivový olej a zmiešame všetko s ponorným mixérom.
5. Pridáme tahini, papriku (alebo čili prášok), vytlačíme citrónovú šťavu, spravíme husté hladké pyré.
6. Pridáme štipku soli a / alebo korenie.
7. Preložíme do misy, obložíme s olivami alebo bylinkami (napríklad petržlenom, koriandrom, kôprom) a podávame.
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