seed from the herbal plant Papaver somniferum was already known in ancient
times. The Egyptians used it as a sedative for its opium content and the
Sumerians cultivated it to promote sleep, fertility and wealth. Poppy seeds are
characterized by several health benefits.
According to naturalnews.com and sk.wikipedia, seven main effects are attributed to poppy seeds: 1 - its calcium content is 12x higher than that in cows' milk which is suitable for preventing osteoporosis, 2 - a great source of oleic acid reduces cholesterol and protects the heart, 3 - some studies have shown the anti-cancer effect of oleic acid in poppy seeds, 4 - carbohydrate content in the poppy is the source of energy and helps to absorb calcium, 5 - the poppy fiber aids digestion, 6 - iron in poppy supports the immune system and circulation of oxygen, 7 - contains potassium, which protects against the formation of kidney stones.
According to naturalnews.com and sk.wikipedia, seven main effects are attributed to poppy seeds: 1 - its calcium content is 12x higher than that in cows' milk which is suitable for preventing osteoporosis, 2 - a great source of oleic acid reduces cholesterol and protects the heart, 3 - some studies have shown the anti-cancer effect of oleic acid in poppy seeds, 4 - carbohydrate content in the poppy is the source of energy and helps to absorb calcium, 5 - the poppy fiber aids digestion, 6 - iron in poppy supports the immune system and circulation of oxygen, 7 - contains potassium, which protects against the formation of kidney stones.
Poppy seeds are utilized
a lot in Eastern and Central European cuisine. One of the dishes is gnocchi
sprinkled with ground poppy seeds, sugar and melted butter. As an alternative in
this popular recipe, I have replaced butter containing cholesterol with the
grape seed oil that was healthier without cholesterol and maybe even tastier.
Mak poznali už
v staroveku, pre jeho obsah ópia Egypťania ho používali ako sedatívum a Sumeri ho pestovali na podporu
spánku, plodnosti a bohatstva. Mak má niekoľko liečiacich schopností
o ktorých nie všetci sú informovaní. Podľa naturalnews.com a sk.wikipédie je dôležité poznať 7
blahodarných účinkov, ktoré sa pripisujú maku: 1 - pre svoj obsah vápnika ktorý
je 12x vyšší než v kravskom mlieku je vhodný pre prevenciu osteoporózy, 2
- obsahuje kyselinu olejovú ktorá znižuje cholesterol a chráni srdce, 3 -
niektoré štúdie poukázali na protirakovinový účinok kyseliny olejovej
v maku, 4 - obsah karbohydrátov v maku je zdrojom energie
a pomáha absorbovať vápnik, 5 - vláknina v maku podporuje trávenie, 6
- železo v maku podporuje imunitný systém a obeh kyslíka, 7 - obsahuje
draslík ktorý chráni proti tvorbe obličkových kameňov.
Mak sa hodne používa vo východoeurópskej a stredoeurópskej
kuchyni. Jedno z jedál sú makové šúľance posypané makom, cukrom a zaliate
roztopeným maslom. Ja som v tomto obľúbenom recepte nahradila maslo jemným
hroznovým olejom čo bolo zdravšie a možno aj chutnejšie.
Ingredients :
800 g potatoes
250 g flour (not smooth)
50 g semolina
2 eggs
50 g grape seed oil
For topping
150 - 200 g ground blue poppy seeds
Cane brown sugar
Grape seed oil
800 g zemiakov
300 g polohrubej múky
50 g krupice
2 vajíčka
50 g hroznového oleja
150 -200 g pomletého modrého maku
Trstinový hnedý cukor na posypanie
Hroznový olej na poliatie
Method :
1, Boil and mush the potatoes with a potato ricer
Zemiaky uvaríme a pretlačíme
2. Mix all components for dough
Allow dough rest for 30 min-1 hour
Všetky zložky zmiešame
Hotové cesto necháme odpočívať 30 min.-1 hod.
3, Make gnocchi with hands by rolling, if the dough is sticky, use flour
Sformujeme rukami na šúľance, ak cesto je lepkavé, používame múku
4, Cook gnocchi in boiling water, when gnocchi begin to surface, boil in 5
Šúľance varíme vo vode, keď vyplávajú na povrch, varíme vo vode 5 min
5, Take gnocchi from the water, put in a bowl sprinkled with the oil, then sprinkle them with ground
poppy seeds, sugar and oil, or with the oil mixed with boiling water in the same
Vyberieme z vody, vložíme do olejom pokvapkanej misy, posypeme
makom, cukrom a zalejeme alebo olejom, alebo olejom zmiešaným
s vriacou vodou v rovnakom pomere.
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