Servings : 8, calories for serving : 501
This dessert is often considered a meal of leftovers, because it is made of unused bread rolls or buns, in a combination with apples, or other seasonal fruits. Despite the meal is economical, it has an excellent taste underlined by a flavor of spices. In America, this autumn dessert is popular and its history dates back to 1864, when the recipe was first published as the "brown Betty". Betty is an English pudding dessert, which is also associated with French Apple Charlotte. In our recipe, we have used dried rolls dipped in eggs whisked in the sweetened milk. Then layers of rolls were combined with apples, curd (cottage cheese), raisins, and spices. The top was garnished with the egg whites snow and baked until golden brown.
Tento dezert je často považovaný za jedlo zo zbytkov, pretože sa môžu použiť zoschnuté neupotrebené rožky alebo žemle, v kombinácii s jablkami, alebo iným sezónnym ovocím. Napriek tomu, že je ekonomickým dezertom, má vynikajúcu chuť ktorú znásobia ešte vône jabĺk a korenia. V Amerike tento jesenný dezert je populárny a jeho história sa datuje do roku 1864, kedy recept bol prvý krát publikovaný ako "brown Betty". Betty je anglický pudingový dezert a súvisí s francúzskym Apple Charlotte. V našom recepte sme použili vajíčka v osladenom mlieku do ktorých sme namáčali suché rožky a kombinovali s jablkami, tvarohom, hrozienkami a koreninami. Vrch sme ozdobili s bielym snehom z bielkov a cukru a nechali pripiecť do zlato hneda.