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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Low fat strawberry TIRAMISU/ Nízko kalorické jahodové TIRAMISU

Tiramisu is a coffee cake started in Venice, made of ladyfingers soaked in espresso, mascarpone cheese and a touch of brandy. My Tiramisu is little different, made of round ladyfingers sprinkled with lime and rum, a mixture of vanilla yoghurt and cheese, strawberries and decorated with cacao. Such a cake contains vitamins, low fat and its preparation takes only 10 minutes.

Tiramisu je Benátsky koláč pripravený z piškót namočených v espresse, zo syra mascarpone a nádychom brandy. Môj tiramisu je trochu iný, z okrúhlych piškót, limetky, nádychom rumu, vanilkového jogurtu a tvarohu, jahôd a zdobený kakaom. Takýto koláč s nízkym obsahom tuku obsahuje vitamíny a jeho príprava trvá len 10 minút.


400 g low fat vanilla yoghurt

250 g cottage cheese with 1 % fat
a package of round ladyfingers
1 lime
6 large strawberries
1 tablespoon of rum
1 tablespoon of cocoa


In a big bowl, mix yoghurt with cheese.  Place ladyfingers in the bottom of a large glass or baking dish in a single layer. Sprinkle ladyfingers with the lime juice containing rum. Spoon one third of cheese mixture over ladyfingers. Arrange slices of strawberries. Cover with yoghurt and cheese evenly across strawberries. Make some other layer of ladyfingers and sprinkle them with lime and rum. Place the last third of yoghurt with cheese and cover it with a layer of sliced strawberries. Sprinkle cocoa powder over the top of the tiramisu. Cover assembled tiramisu with a sheet of plastic wrap and refrigerate at least for two hours. Serve on dessert plates. Enjoy! 


Zloženie :

400 g nízkotučného vanilkového jogurtu

250 g tvarohu s 1 % tuku
sáčok okrúhlych piškót
1 limetka
6 veľkých jahôd
1 lyžica rumu
1 lyžica prášku kakaa


Vo veľkej mise zmiešajte jogurt so syrom. Umiestnite piškóty v jednej vrstve na dno sklenenej alebo inej misy. Posypte piškóty s limetkovou šťavou a rumom. Lyžicou natrite tretinu tvarohovej zmesi cez piškóty. Uložte plátky jahôd a znovu potrite s tvarohovou zmesou rovnomerne po vrstve jahôd. Spravte novú vrstvu piškót a pofŕkajte s limetkovou šťavou a rumom . Umiestnite poslednú tretinu tvarohovej zmesi a prikryje ju s vrstvou nakrájaných jahôd . Posypte kakaovým práškom, prikryte tiramisu s  plastovou fóliou a nechajte v chlade najmenej po dobu 2 hodín . Podávajte na dezertných tanierikoch. 


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